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This Python script can be used to convert a JSON (*.json) file (that is more or less compatible with the Google Chrome / Chromium bookmarks file format) into a NETSCAPE Bookmark (*.html) file that can be imported into almost any major browser, such as Google Chrome, Chromium, Mozilla Firefox, etc.


Important: this has been tested with Python 3.9.1 on Windows 10.

python3 < input.json > output.html

Or with Docker:

docker run -i --rm -v "$PWD:/v" -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" python:3 python3 /v/ < input.json > output.html

If you want to run the script without downloading it:

python3 <(curl -fsSL < input.json > output.html

Additional notes

The accepted format of the input is more or less the same format used by the Google Chrome / Chromium bookmarks file. If you want to see an example of that file, you can find it for example at one of the following locations, based on the OS and browser you're using:

Operating System Browser Bookmarks file path
Windows 10 Google Chrome %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks
Debian 12 (Bookworm) Chromium ~/.config/chromium/Default/Bookmarks

Or you can take a look at the input-*.json files inside this directory.