🐍 apycalc
APY trend calculator with configurable Moving Average
🐍 apycalc
APY trend calculator with configurable Moving Average
🔊 bnplay
Brown Noise player
🐍 cashlog
Cash flow tracker
⏱ cronjobs
Jobs that run periodically via GitHub Actions
🖥 desktainer
Remote desktop in a container
🖥 desktainer-rootless
Remote desktop in a container (rootless version)
🏠 dmotte
GitHub profile README
🌍 dmotte.github.io
dmotte's GitHub Pages website
🐳 docker-images
Docker images that don't deserve a separate repo
🐳 docker-portmap-client
Docker image you can use to expose one or more TCP ports to the internet using an SSH tunnel
🐳 docker-portmap-server
Docker image with an OpenSSH server that can be used for remote port forwarding only
🐳 docker-portmap-server-rootless
Docker image that can be used for remote port forwarding (rootless version)
🐍 investats
Investment statistics calculator
🐍 jctlfmt
Python Journalctl parsing and formatting library
🧰 misc
Things that do not need a separate repo
🦀 msgbuf
A standalone message buffer application
🐍 smartchg
DCA-based asset exchange algorithm
🚀 svcbox
Docker image with supervisord and sshd
🚀 svcbox-rootless
Docker image with supervisord and sshd (rootless version)
🐍 ui24rsc
Ui24R Snapshot Converter
📦 vagrant-ansiblebox
Debian Vagrant box with Ansible and Ansible Lint
📦 vagrant-dockerbox
Debian Vagrant box with Docker (and docker-compose)
📦 vagrant-k3sbox
Debian Vagrant box with K3s
📦 vagrant-podmanbox
Debian Vagrant box with Podman (and podman-compose)
📦 vagrant-vagrantbox
Debian Vagrant box with Vagrant and VirtualBox for nested virtualization
🐳 webauthn-proxy
Customization of the quiq/webauthn_proxy Docker image
🎶 webmedia
Collection of HTML5 media players / viewers
🖱 winautoclicker
Simple Auto-Clicker CLI application for Windows, written in C++